Welcome to
Google Developer Student's Club

University Of Engineering and Management,Jaipur

University Of Engineering and Management. Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) is a initiative of Google Developers for university students to enhance their skills while working in team and building a good team spirit .

About us

Concept of GDSC

The GDSC program is a grassroots channel through which Google provides development skills, while enhancing the quality of being and enjoying the events .


For students to learn development skills, solve problems through technology and inspire them to be world class developers and changemakers.

Target audience

GDSC activities are targeted at University students and any others including faculty members who want to learn development skills & work to solve real-life problems.


Opportunities GDSC provide to students

  • Grow their knowledge on developer technologies and more through peer to peer workshops and events.
  • Showcase their prototypes and solutions to their local community and industry leaders.
  • Gain relevant industry experience by solving problems for local organizations with technology based solutions.
  • Getting inspiration to become world-class developers and changemakers from sharing others' success stories.

Contact Us

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